Level Up your GHL Agency

with YOUR OWN App

We can help you increase your brand visibility across the worlds largest app stores, maximizing your agencies success.

Gain more leads and increase control of your brand with a white labelled app that takes the power and functionality of GHL to other software.

Trusted Partners

We are honoured to be one of the first three Official GoHigh Level Developer partners.

Our high involvement with the app marketplace, and commitment to developing the best apps from day 1, saw us recognised by GHL as an official global developer partner.

We have frequent communications with the GHL dev team giving us a platform to bring your requests to their attention. Not only that, but early access to upcoming features means our apps will always work with any new GHL product.

3 Simple Steps

Discovery call

Get on a call with a senior app developer to flesh out your idea and discuss the app marketplace you want to show up in.

App Build and Test

With an action plan and road map in place, we will start building and testing - with the aim to be complete in 30 days or less

Go live

Now you're live it is all about your users. We stay in communication with you to continue with support and app updates after production.

Early Access

Our early access means we can build products that work with elements that you don't even know about.

Only Dev in Europe

We are proud to be the only developer partner in Europe and are happy to connect and work across all time zones.

Benefits for you

All core products launched are future-proofed, with less chance of bugs as GHL release updates.


Our weekly meetings with GHL means our knowledge is always up to date.

Invest in your brands tech

All pricing is dependent on the type of app you want to build. Price will be provided on a discovery call.

Join 100's of GHL Agency owners

We hear your App Requests and make them a reality.

Level Up Marketplace is the largest app supplier on GHL. Trust us to help you maximise revenue and add value to increase client retention and acquisition. Apps are the future of GHL - are you ready to get involved?

All rights reserved @levelupmarketplace